Bee Cave, TX Homes and Real Estate for Sale
Bee Cave, situated within the Texas Hill Nation, is a remote suburb of Austin. The neighborhoods of Spanish Oaks, Lake Pointe, Falconhead, and Falconhead West are situated within the suburb. These are some of the neighborhoods that have helped grow the population, leading to new houses being developed for sale in Bee Cave, as well as rental commercial spaces for businesses.
Bee Cave is less than 30 minutes from Downtown Austin, and Lake Travis is just about 10 minutes away. Thinking of moving to Bee Cave, TX? Speak to one of our relocation specialists today!
Search Homes for Sale in Bee Cave, TX
Browse homes for sale in Bee Cave. Click on any listings below for a more detailed view or move the map for more listing in the given area. For advanced search options, search for homes in our IDX where you can sort by price, property type, year built, beds and baths, and more.
Looking for specific listings in Bee Cave? Get in touch with one of our relocation specialists and we’ll be glad to assist you!
Living in Bee Cave, TX
Bee Cave is 20-30 minutes away from Downtown Austin’s vibrant neighborhood, but there are also plenty of activities that you can enjoy throughout the community. Bee Cave residents have quick access to all nearby stores, pubs, swimming holes, beaches, and entertainment venues.
Neighborhoods Around Bee Cave, TX
Bee Cave, TX Real Estate
A community named after a large cave of wild bees in the area, Bee Cave is located in west Austin just about 12 miles away from Downtown Austin. Without being too far from the region, it is renowned for its stunning natural scenery. Residents in the neighborhood have convenient access to Hwy 71 and public transit services. Bee Cave is one of the fastest-growing rural areas that provides homebuyers with a broad range of neighborhoods.
Bee Cave, TX Real Estate Agents
Thinking of moving to Bee Cave? Our Bee Cave relocation specialists are here to guide you throughout the process of finding the property you desire. Fill out the form below to speak with our relocation specialists to learn more about Austin!
This page is updated with homes for sale in in Bee Cave several times per day. Every listing includes a listing snapshot that consists of recent listing status and activity, general features, exterior features, community features, nearby neighborhood and commute, schools, population insights, household insights, and more.
Find out the best Austin neighborhoods in our relocation guide.
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Considering moving to Austin? Get in touch with our Austin relocation specialists who will navigate you in finding your dream home in Austin, TX!